Riecocci! Questa seconda settimana è decisamente volata, una volta entrati un pochino in questi ritmi e dinamiche così diversi non ci si accorge nemmeno più di quanto il tempo passi in...
Riecocci! Questa seconda settimana è decisamente volata, una volta entrati un pochino in questi ritmi e dinamiche così diversi non ci si accorge nemmeno più di quanto il tempo passi in...
Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Emma e sono una studentessa LUISS al primo anno di PPE, che ha avuto la grande opportunita’ di vincere una borsa di studio con Absolute Internship...
Ciao tutti! Sono ormai trascorsi alcuni giorni da quando sono rientrato a casa da questa magnifica esperienza che è stata Shanghai. Un mese in una città completamente sconosciuta, in un...
As my month at my London internship comes to an end I’ve realised a few things about myself: 1) The “real world” isn’t as scary as you’d think. 2) I never...
Fredrik van Huynh, Director at Absolute Internship was featured on the Entrepreneur Magazine, which is a world leading publication that carries news stories about entrepreneurialism, small business management, and business...
That past month in Hong Kong flew by, as I knew it would because every other blogger who has ever done Absolute Internship writes the same thing in their last...
The last week, with a few days to go and work finished the final place I had left to visit was Lantau Island. Here on the island we would see The...
Cheerio London! Bonjour Paris! At the grey hour of 5.30 am we hustled to Kings Cross station droopy-eyed and sleep-deprived, buzzing with excitement, set for the very beautiful ville d’amour....
Asking myself to share my impressions about Hong Kong is tricky. Hong Kong is a major first world city, and there's very little I could tell you about here that...
It’s about 7:30 and I’ve pushed snooze on my alarm a few too many times. I finally decide to get up and start getting ready for another day at my...
Ciao a tutti! Il momento è finalmente arrivato. Dopo mesi di attesa, sono qui, a sei ore di fuso orario di distanza. Devo ammettere che questi primi giorni sono passati molto...
The following are my personal recommendations of activities to do, places to see and things to try! My favourite place to eat is the Cooked Food Centre, which is nearby our...
I now fully understand the meaning of the famous saying, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Don’t get me wrong; midway through the internship I was worried that I was...
The title speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Comparing my home in Maple Grove, Minnesota, a suburb about 30 minutes north of Minneapolis (which is still less than 2% the size...
Absolute Internship has provided me and my fellow interns with a surplus of activities throughout each weekend here in Shanghai. Because there are so many events going on, I unfortunately...
I’ve been in Shanghai for a week and it is hard to believe all the sites and memories I’ve already experienced! I’ve had incredible meals, been to some really thrilling...
A quick introduction about myself seems to be in order. My name is Jordan and at this time of writing I sit having just received confirmation that I have successfully...
So Absolute Internship expects me to pick my favorites within Shanghai. Just to paint a picture in my audience’s mind: try finding your favorite seashell on the Pacific coast or...
Prior to my visit to Shanghai, I downloaded a couple iPhone applications that described the Chinese business culture and compared it to America. It’s no wonder why the eastern half...
They told me Shanghai was “the New York of China.” They failed to mention that because China is so much more populated than the United States, Shanghai is respectively more...