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Cultural activity with Absolute Internship

After just two days of being in Hong Kong, I started to feel a strange ache in my neck. At first I thought I was jet-lagged, but after a while I realised the root of this pain was from constantly looking up at all the tall buildings in “The Most Vertical City on Earth”. There is always something new to be spotted when changing your perspective in Hong Kong. When I got the bus on my second day to work, I went on to the top deck for the first time and was instantly disorientated as the city looked so different from the lower level.

For the short amount of time I’ve been living in Madrid, life has thrown a lot of different lessons my way. During the last two months, I have been interning with a small sports management consultancy office called ” in Pozuelo de Alarcon". I wanted to share some of these small yet invaluable lessons as to truly attempt to describe my life in Spain.

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