Author: Absolute Internship

As promised, now to discuss the best part of the trip! Sharing happy memories with an awesome bunch of people… the weekend activities! The first (of many) that springs to mind...

I now fully understand the meaning of the famous saying, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Don’t get me wrong; midway through the internship I was worried that I was...

So Absolute Internship expects me to pick my favorites within Shanghai. Just to paint a picture in my audience’s mind: try finding your favorite seashell on the Pacific coast or...

Prior to my visit to Shanghai, I downloaded a couple iPhone applications that described the Chinese business culture and compared it to America. It’s no wonder why the eastern half...

Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Salvatore Barillà e studio Giurisprudenza alla LUISS Guido Carli di Roma. Amo viaggiare, visitare posti nuovi, conoscere culture differenti dalla mia, cercando di ampliare quanto più...

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