My First Days in Shanghai
After three weeks in Shanghai, I think my favorite thing about this city has to be the experience of walking to work and having people walk and shove past you...
After three weeks in Shanghai, I think my favorite thing about this city has to be the experience of walking to work and having people walk and shove past you...
My experience as an intern has been quite different from my day to day life at home. I can’t speak for the other interns as the general consensus seems to...
While Absolute Internship has organized many major events for us, I would have to say the most significant one that contributed to my understanding of European culture have been to...
56 days. 5 Spanish cities. 25 new friends. I have been in Madrid for almost two whole months but it feels like I just arrived at the airport yesterday. Each...
Absolute Internship gave our Madrid group the chance to broaden our horizons – literally and metaphorically. Literally, we took a weekend trip to Barcelona, Spain where the horizon was made...
Madrid, Spain is an interesting city in the way that I quickly found myself forgetting I was actually in Spain. Now, this may surprise some people or perhaps even...
The first thing I loved about this program was my internship. I think I got really lucky and had the opportunity to work for an interesting company. So far, I...
Getting used to the Spanish culture took a few weeks to get used to. I went through a big culture shock when I arrived. One of the things that impressed...
Just do it. Intern abroad because I haven’t a good enough reason not to. An internship in another country not only gives insight in an entirely different culture, but also...
Before I left my home in Melbourne, Australia; almost everyone I talked to reminded me to pack warmer clothes. Because even though I was technically going in summer, London summertime...
As I sit in my room staring at a blank word document, words fail me. For an aspiring writer and editor, that’s never a good sign. Our days here in...
When asked what she wished she had known as an intern, Lu Li, now the CEO and founder of my company, looked around the room at our somehow equally eager...
Since I arrived in Shanghai, there have been many surprises culturally and about the city in general. First of all, the city is absolutely massive. There are over twenty four million...
In the investment banking industry, there is no normal day at work. There cannot be any expectations going to the office everyday because every day presents new challenges and new...
The first couple weeks of my time in Shanghai have been fantastic. I have already formed many new relationships and have gained invaluable knowledge. From the moment I walked off...
My time throughout Shanghai was filled with ups and downs. There were many moments of being uncomfortable. From my internship to interacting with the locals, I was always coming across...
Before my departure, everyone who had been to China explained to me that the difference was compared to “night and day.” That there would be people everywhere all the...
Walking into Standard Chartered Tower, I did not know what to expect. This was my first internship working for an investment bank. Before my departure, my professors described...
If you are looking forward to a relaxing summer, don’t intern abroad. If you are wanting an education that begins and ends in the classroom, don’t intern abroad. If you...
Here in Shanghai, the days are long, but the weeks fly by. While 40 hours consist of hard work at our internships, the rest of the 128 hours are spent...