Author: Absolute Internship

Spanish Culture

In recent years, Madrid has elevated itself to an important business hub in Europe. With the rise or start­ups and foreign businesses settling in Madrid, aspects of the original Hispanic Spanish culture have begun to fade to make way for new customs. For example, the traditional Spanish “siesta’”, a short nap taken at the beginning of the afternoon, has taken a backseat to the full working day, as Madrilenians become increasingly busy.

How To Interview: Q&A Session With Absolute Internship

We get questions from students all the time on “how to interview.” What are the best techniques to land that internship or job? What should I say to make them like me? Better yet, what shouldn’t I say? The good news is, there’s no one right way to interview. Cliché as it may sound, the key to acing any interview is to be yourself. We’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions from students with our tips for being the perfect interviewee.

Shanghai Nightlife

First night in Shanghai to explore the Shanghai nightlife and you’re beyond psyched to hit the town. That’s great! While we all love to have a good time, dancing the night away, meeting new people and enjoying a few drinks, don’t forget your limits. You’re in a new place, surrounded by the unfamiliar, so be smart and keep your wits about you. Have a drink or two, but don’t overdo it, folks!

Did you know that there are over 400 new Madrid startups and over 1700 new startups in Spain? But, what does this mean for university students? That means lots of opportunities. The intern and startup relationship is one of the most mutually beneficial partnerships in the business world. On the one hand, interns get an insight into every dimension of a company’s growth period, while on the other hand, startups benefit from the fresh ideas and high ambition of interns required to make a new business soar.

internship in architecture My Last Day at work... my feelings are... sentimental. Sort of sad. It's been such a long, wonderful journey working here. I really feel as though I've grown up a lot. Over the weekend my Dad came to visit and to take away some of my stuff. That was nice, he noticed I had changed a bit though; that was not expected. I think the only person who hadn't noticed my change was me--up until my Dad mentioned it that is. This was something I embraced and welcomed; it was a positive change towards adulthood. I thought this was pretty well captured in a picture my friend took of me the night of our speaker series (which was very informative and helpful for marketing, I thought).

london internshipWell, it’s that time again, another London post. It was interesting—over the last week I had a HUGE influx of work. One of my bosses went on vacation and another boss had just given me about 6 projects to follow-up from a marketing conference. In all, my to do list spanned about the length of 4 pages. It was insane. And a lot of my deadlines were that week or early the next week. The biggest problem was that I wasn’t given any information on which projects to prioritize and on top of that, my supervisors were contradicting one another, giving me more work, write something this way, re-write it that way.

london internshipsWell, it’s that time again! Blog number 2; let me begin my blog by saying that I had no idea what to expect. London was so far and yet so near as I got on my delayed Iceland Airways plane. I had 5 hours to Iceland then 3 hours to London. Terrible. We arrived within one minute of my connecting flight’s take off. It was INCREDIBLY lucky that Iceland Air asked my plane to wait a small handful of passengers and I. We got on, and I was about half an hour late for the airport pickup from my Absolute contact, Banu. I was able to call her upon my arrival in Heathrow; low and behold, yet another person offered to wait for me! I was really relieved and really thankful. This was only one example of the kind and welcoming atmosphere that received me here in London. Every single one of my contacts, Guilia, Banu and Carla were all extremely accommodating and friendly. In fact, I have grown to become good friends with Giulia and Banu. Carla I have not been able to see as much, but she seemed really nice and I thought we could get along well! The employers at my internship in London have been equally friendly and I am excited to say I will be going to my boss’ “Work Stag Party” next week as he is getting married in July.

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