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Goodbyes are always the hardest

intern london

Goodbyes are always the hardest

london internsHaving settled back into everyday life, I have finally had the time to sit and reflect on my month abroad. Even though I am writing this post in Brisbane’s sunny, 30-degree weather, a big part of me misses rugging up in a coat and scarf on a cold and rainy London day. So without further ado, I present you with my ramblings, reflections and recommendations for any future interns considering the program.

london internI discovered that whilst a few of the textbook concepts I learnt at university were relevant and applicable to the day-to-day work I had to complete, gaining practical experience and being hands on with the daily activities at my firm opened my eyes to what the legal industry was really like. Even though at times I felt stressed and exhausted, I had to take a step back and remind myself of why I travelled across the globe and what an unmatchable experience this was.

My biggest recommendation to any future intern is to grasp every opportunity offered and experience as much of the city as possible. Even though it may feel like you have endless time to explore your surroundings, the days fly by and before you know it, you’re packing up your suitcase to fly home. Head out after work to that bustling, new restaurant or trendy bar, help with that menial task at the office or walk instead of taking the bus, but also remember to take some time out to relax, reenergise and touch base with your family and friends back home.

london internshipsOn that note, the friendships you make whilst completing your internship are unparalleled. Living with other students, who all share similar work ethics and mind frames as you, was one of the highlights of the whole experience and extremely tight bonds were formed in such a short period of time. The fact that everyone comes from different parts of the world means that not only do I have places to stay when I travel in the future, but it also means that we can continuously reminisce on the never-ending stories and inside jokes that we created during our time together.

At the risk of sounding incredibly corny, I have definitely come back a different person. I have experienced and learnt so much not only about my industry, but also myself and my future goals and aspirations. Despite being back home and to reality, I would jump at the opportunity to do it all again. In the famous words of Dr Seuss, ‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened’.

To read all my blog posts and see my excessive photo taking during my London internship, check out my personal blog,

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