Exploring Entrepreneurship Internships Abroad: 7 Best Destinations to Consider

Entrepreneurship Internships

Exploring Entrepreneurship Internships Abroad: 7 Best Destinations to Consider

Running your own business is suddenly the new normal. A 2021 survey of college students found that roughly 11% already owned and ran their own business. 

If you’re a business student thinking about running your own company and that statistic makes you break out in a cold sweat, don’t worry – you’re not alone, and you’re definitely not behind. Even if you don’t have any hands-on experience yet, there’s nothing stopping  you from getting it now.

You just need to know how to get started. One of the best way to get your feet wet in the world of business is to complete an internship, and there’s no better type of internship for aspiring business owners than an internship abroad.

Here’s why – and where you should look as you begin your search.

Is It Worth it to Intern Abroad?

In a word – absolutely.

Interning abroad, especially as an entrepreneur, is one of the best things you can do for your life and your career.

For one, you’ll gain invaluable work experience. You’ll be able to learn more about different work practices in a global business environment, something that will broaden your worldview and make you more adept at handling challenges and conflicts that arise in your own business.

Not only will you get helpful on-the-job training, but you’ll also gain insight into how companies in different countries operate – which will likely give you a huge competitive advantage.

You’ll also grow your global professional network. Having a network of like minded professionals to call upon with questions or for help is incredibly valuable. 

Of course, an internship abroad will build your resume, but it will also instill in you countless soft skills and “invisible” benefits, such as increased confidence and a growing sense of independence. You’ll learn how to adapt to difficult situations, solve complex problems, and communicate with others (even with a language barrier in place).

What Are the Best Destinations for Entrepreneurship Internships Abroad?

Are you thinking about an entrepreneurship internship? Here are seven of the best destinations in the world to consider as you start planning out your trip.

1. London

The beauty of interning in England is pretty obvious – no language barrier (besides the occasional bit of British slang, that is). 

Plus, you’ll gain all kinds of work experience. London is a hub for international finance internships, as well as those in marketing and business. If you want to own our own business, London is one of the best places to go. 

2. Tokyo

Tokyo is another top destination for students interested in business and entrepreneurship. Because Japan is a huge player in technology, manufacturing, and many other aspects of industry, Tokyo is the perfect spot for budding entrepreneurs. 

Choose to intern in Tokyo, and you may also be able to hop around to other entrepreneur-friendly destinations, like Nagoya and Kyoto, while you’re there, too. 

3. Seoul

South Korea is home to one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Home to many big tech companies, including Apple and Samsung, Seoul offers a bustling work culture and the ability to create countless meaningful connections. Although you may encounter a slight language barrier, the reality is that English is one of the most commonly spoken languages in South Korean businesses – so you’ll likely be surprised!

4. Madrid

It’s no secret that Madrid is home to one of the largest business markets in the world. If you want to learn more about business or finance, Madrid is a hotspot. You’ll be able to learn about European business practices at top companies and firms. 

You don’t need to know Spanish, though it can certainly help – and interning in Madrid is sure to boost your Spanish-speaking skills as well.

5. Barcelona

Is Spain calling to you? If you’re a budding entrepreneur, it should be! In addition to other Spanish cities, like Madird, Barcelona is a great destination for students interested in business management.

Here, you’ll enjoy access to a thriving business environment plus all kinds of cultural immersion. Barcelona is a destination that will expose you to a diverse network of industry professionals, mentors, investors, and fellow entrepreneurs from all around the world. 

Plus, it’s rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture and delicious food all mean you’ll have a wonderful background for personal growth and enrichment. 

6. Singapore

 Entrepreneurship Internships

Another top destination for entrepreneurial internships in Singapore. Known as the Silicon Valley of Asia, it’s famous for its booming business and amazing culture. 

You’ll need to work hard at an internship in Singapore – this city has one of the most diligent work cultures in the world. However, the networking opportunities you’ll receive is absolutely worth it.

Singapore is known for its pro-business policies and its supportive government initiatives that are put in place to help interns thrive, so make sure you take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way here.

7. Stockholm

Stockholm, Sweden isn’t the first city most people think of when they think about internships in business – but it should be. This city is famous for its contributions to business and marketing. It’s home to brands like H&M, Ikea, Volvo, and many more. 

The Swedish work culture, with its famed four-day work week, isn’t anything to scoff at, either.

Get Down to Business With Absolute Internship

Are you ready to make your mark on the world – and on the world of business? If so, an internship in entrepreneurship abroad might be just what the doctor ordered.

Absolute Internship offers experiences for aspiring entrepreneurs in all the cities described in this post. We’ll handle the logistics, helping you find the perfect placement, so all you need to worry about is how to launch your next business idea.

In a world where experience says more than anything else, adding an internship experience abroad is the best way to make your resume speak volumes.

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