11 May Absolute Alumni Spotlight – Josh Jochim
Absolute Internship turns the spotlight on program alumni, following them on their journey from summer interns to young professionals.
Josh Jochim from the USA was an Absolute Intern in summer 2015, working in Sports Marketing and Sales in London.
1. What have you been up to since your summer as an Absolute Intern?
After I came back from London, I graduated that next May and took an Inside Sales position with Hudl, a leading sports software company, based in Lincoln, Nebraska. After just three months, I was promoted and became the youngest Territory Manager in our company’s history. I’m now responsible for helping teams at the high school & college level in Southern California realize the competitive advantage Hudl will provide their programs.
2. How did the program help you along your career path?
It honestly was crucial in helping me decide which career path to pursue. Beforehand, I was concentrated on pursuing a Marketing career and something along the lines of strategy for go-to-market plans. My internship in London, though, was all about dealing with both current clients and prospective ones. I thoroughly enjoyed this constant interaction. This made me realize my true passion and belief for helping people and being compensated based on your individual performance. This combination is a perfect fit for sales, and in being a former college athlete, sales associated with sports made it all that more meaningful.
3. What aspect of the program was most useful to your career?
Absolute taught me to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. There’s always going to be situations that are new and unexpected. I learned to embrace this – to have an attitude that I was going to learn from different occurrences and become better because of it. This whole experience gave me so much perspective on what else is out there, how others operate, and what makes different individuals successful. The amount I grew both professionally and personally, is exponential.
4. What was the biggest challenge you faced while interning in London and how did you overcome it?
Public Transportation, hands down and without a doubt. While I wasn’t necessarily a stranger to big cities, I did grow up in a town of about 1,500. So, having to rely 100% on the timing of the Tube and then buses, was a nightmare to get used to. Because I’m pretty prideful and didn’t want to look like that tourist constantly taking out a map of the Tube, I tried to memorize my paths and then establish a routine immediately. This, as well as tips from co-workers, helped me make the adjustment and become comfortable with what I was doing and where I was going.
5. Describe your favorite memory of your Absolute Summer.
Aside from events we put on at my actual internship, my favorite memories were with some of the others in the program. Whether it was the weekend trips or enjoying ourselves a little too much on a weeknight just because we could – we had a lot of fun and it made the (sometimes) long workdays always worth it.
6. What’s next for you?
My plan is to continue moving up and moving forward – both with my career and in everything I do. It’s always my goal to be better than I was yesterday. Where that will take me, I’m not 100% sure yet, but what I’ve been doing is working. For that reason – I’m excited to see what the future brings.
Ready to change your life? Apply to Absolute Internship today!
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