The safety, security and well-being of our program participants are of the utmost importance to Absolute Internship. We cannot eliminate all risks from the internship abroad environment but all our efforts are focused on best ensuring safety standards throughout the duration of the program. Absolute Internship follows careful measures to verify that all transportation, accommodation, medical facilities, communications, and emergency responses are in place to best provide a safe environment for the internship program and their participants.
We conduct periodic assessments of health and safety conditions for our programs in all locations, and develop and maintain emergency preparedness processes and a crisis response plan.
At Absolute Internship, we provide a pre-departure handbook and schedule pre-departure online information sessions per location with all the necessary information in order for participants to have a successful experience and for parents and families to make informed decisions concerning preparation, participation, and behavior while on the program.
We provide orientation to participants prior to the program and on site, which includes information on safety, health and cultural conditions in the host country. In addition to dealing with health and safety issues, the orientation addresses potential health and safety risks, and appropriate emergency response measures.
We require all participants to have comprehensive international medical insurance coverage, and to also obtain personal property and travel insurance. We offer our participants and our Home University Partners the possibility to purchase our health and travel accident insurance in case of not having one.
We develop training for AI staff onsite, including guidelines with respect to intervention and referral that take into account the nature and location of the internship abroad program.
We develop and communicate codes of conduct and the consequences of noncompliance to participants – taking appropriate action when aware that participants are in violation.
In addition to our new Health and Safety measures, we’re putting new health protocols in place, every day. Take a look at our COVID-19 FAQs and get in touch with our team to learn all our guidelines.