15 Aug Unforgettable Internship Experience
Seeing the country side of China has made my internship experience one that I will never forget. At first, I did not really want to go to all these other cities on my weekends. However, after our first trip to Wuzhen I could not wait for the next trips. I saw some very strange behaviors, was treated like a celebrity and ate some of the most interesting smelling food on the planet.
At Wuzhen I was followed around by laughs, pointing and cameras. I could not believe that the local Chinese people were so fascinated with a 6’4” white American. I was literally Godzilla to them. We also saw one of the funniest habits I have come across in China. A woman was chewing an apple, and chewing, and chewing, until there was nothing but mush. Lastly, she spits out all that she chewed onto the ground and repeated the process until the apple was gone. I guess that’s how people eat apples in China.
Our next great weekend adventure was to Hangzhou, a lake in the mountains with a skyline and 9 million people. The fourth largest city in China is the same size as New York City. To be honest, after being in Shanghai for 3 weeks, Hangzhou did not seem too exciting for me as a city. Except the scenery was beautiful. I love the outdoors; the lake was surrounded by mountains with ancient temples all over. The only sad part was that we could not swim in the lake.
Our last weekend trip was the best one of all, Beijing. We had a chance to explore the downtown, eat scorpion, grasshopper, and even centipede. The scorpion was pretty gross and didn’t have much meat to it. Day two was one I will never forget; we went to see the Summer Palace then The Great Wall. The Wall was absolutely insane. I think everyone in the world needs to go and visit the wall. I wish I had a fit bit to count how many steps I made that day. One important bit of information I learned was that at one time you could see the skyline of Beijing from The Wall. However, today we can’t because of all the pollution. After my experience in China I really noticed how harmful pollution is, and the importance of making an effort to reduce our waste.
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