13 Jul There are an infinite amounts of places to walk around
My flight from Dubai was not too long so in no time I am in Hong Kong. It did take ages to claim my luggage, but nothing matters cause I am finally here! I arrived a bit later than everybody else, so I had to find my own way to the residency. Luckily, Valerie, one of the other interns in the program was in the same flight so we were in it together. Finally after train rides and taxis we arrived at the accomodation. When we got to the reception everybody was there right about to leave for dinner so we had to run upstairs and drop our things so we can go with them. The welcome dinner was at a place near by and it was really useful to get to meet everyone. The food was amazing (apart from a fermented egg that we all had to try – would still recommend everyone to try it) and it was a great way to start the summer. After dinner myself and some others went around to explore a little bit of the city and then returned home because there was a long weekend ahead of us!
The next day we had a great welcome breakfast and an introduction presentation that was very informative and we then were off to bus tour of the city. We got to see a lot during the bus tour, we got rained on, we were overly hot, and we got ice cream, so it was a very eventful afternoon! The rest of the weekend was full of great attractions and tasty meals organized by Absolute. Only a couple of days have passed in this city but I have already realized how different it is going to be to what I am used to. The city seems ridiculously and also really easy to explore, the public transportation is very advanced and simple to use, the food is yummy (I have always loved all kinds of Asian food) and it seems that these two months here will offer nothing like I have experienced before in my life. The weekend was quickly over and it was time for the first day at work. Since it was the first day at work we were all driven to our offices by the Program Director so it started stress free. My office is located in Kowloon Bay, which is considered the new “Business Centre” of Hong Kong. Just being outside of the huge building my company is located in and seeing hundreds of people walking in and out, crossing the streets and waiting for taxis/buses was so overwhelming but exciting at the same time. Finally I entered the offices and got to meet everyone that was there that day. I met the CEO of the company, who will be my supervisor for the two months I will be here and they had a small orientation for me, just so I can get to know everyone a lot better, but also so I can get a lot familiar with the company, the culture and the etiquette I have to follow for the rest of the internship. My supervisor was really busy that day so one of our co-workers to me to lunch and showed me the area. There are infinite amounts of places to walk around and dine in the area so there is no way I will ever get to everything, but I will make sure I try.
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