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Settling In – Shanghai Asia’s biggest city

Settling In – Shanghai Asia’s biggest city

Hi everybody, my name’s Alex, I’m from Melbourne, Australia and study at the University of Melbourne, majoring in finance and management. This summer I will be interning in Shanghai in the investment banking industry. I’m really looking forward to experiencing the vastly different culture and lifestyle in China, networking with other individuals in the finance industry and taking my first steps into the world of investment banking! I am eager to learn more about the industry and put into practice some of the skills I have gained during my studies.
There is no doubt in my mind my shanghai internship over the next month will be a life changing experience.

I expect the lifestyle to be vastly different to that which I’m used to in Australia. The cuisine I’m sure will be an experience in itself. I have heard from many friends and relatives that it can take some time for your stomach to adjust. I’m sure I will meet many new people like myself who are seeking to gain an edge in the finance industry because the job market is so competitive. The Chinese culture and business practices I think will definitely be quite different to that I’ve seen in Australia.

I look forward to sharing my absolute internship experience with you throughout the course of my time in Shanghai!

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