02 Jul Ready for Hong Kong!
I’m Natalie and I’m 19 from the UK and have just completed my first year at Cardiff University where I study Philosophy. My degree subject doesn’t really lead onto a particular career and I would love to work in the writing industry. Journalism is such a competitive industry and it takes a lot of work experience to break into the industry, especially for me as my degree isn’t related. I feel that if I successfully complete an internship abroad with a major company it would boost my CV massively to employers, so I applied for the internship with Absolute.
And it’s still difficult to believe that in just over a week I will be living and working in Hong Kong as a fashion journalist. I’ve always loved holidays and travelling, but to be completely immersed in Hong Kong life through working and living there is something that I hope will be life changing. I am apprehensive about spending a month working in a major city although I spent six months teaching and living in China after sixth form. I had more time to improve in six months but a month long internship seems more daunting; I feel like I’ll have to make a bigger impression in a short amount of time whilst adapting to the time difference, culture shock and language barriers. However, I cannot wait to fly out and start my internship, however difficult it may be.
But the main thing I’m looking forward to is living in Hong Kong for a whole month! I cannot wait to experience the culture, the food, the clothes, the nightlife, the shopping and the views. I had an amazing time in China although struggled with the language barrier and lack of western food, and as I’ve heard Hong Kong is similar but a lot more western, it should be unforgettable. Only eight days to go!
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