22 Sep My Remote Sustainability Internship in Tokyo, Japan
Hi everyone! My name is María Ramírez and I completed a remote sustainability internship this summer with Absolute Internship. I chose to intern in Japan because I had previous objectives of improving my Japanese and I wanted to learn about their work environment. I have really liked Japanese culture since my childhood and I have also studied for a year in Osaka. In this interview, I will tell you all about my experience and what I have learned.
What is your educational background?
I study Biotechnology focused on biomolecular science, this area of study has many applications around the world in different sectors such as health, agriculture, food, and some other industrial innovations. My passion is related to the environment, plants, and sustainability, that is why I was looking to work with a company in the sustainable industry.
What’s been your biggest challenge so far while studying?
As a senior student, getting professional experiences have been difficult because of the current Covid-19 pandemic. In the first years of my career, I was mainly focusing on my studies and dealing with important health issues, but when I began applying to different opportunities, I had to return to my family location since my college is in another state. Therefore, my mobility was limited, and a lot of industries stopped giving intern opportunities. Then I found Absolute Internship!
Which company did you intern for?
Absolute Internship placed me as an intern in a sustainable advisory company named Mani&Co based in Tokyo, whose main objective consists of establishing strategies for industries to work with clean energy systems and promote sustainable economic growth. I was in charge of creating a complete market and technology research about clean energies, more specifically the hydrogen clean energy sector. With all of this information, I did some documentation and created a final format for all the information and made a final market presentation.
What was the outcome after you finished your Absolute Internship?
As well as working on my personal knowledge during the remote sustainability internship, I was also able to work on soft skills that allowed me to organize myself and get all my work done on time or even before the deadline. I have improved my confidence, established good communication and I worked with great productivity and initiative. Lastly, I would like to add that I also gained technical knowledge related to market research, I learned about the main aspects that need to be considered to analyze a market.
How did your internship help you achieve your goals?
This program offers you not only an internship in a company but also gives you interesting courses that help you to excel in your internship, tips about your professional profile, cultural aspects about different regions, and you can even study a language during the program. An activity that I enjoyed at the Absolute Academy was the food courses where I learned recipes of Japanese and Vietnamese food.
What advice would you give to someone considering pursuing an international internship?
Instead of being on vacation in my home without being able to go out, I encouraged myself to use my summer vacation to improve my professional experience. During this internship I was able to grow in a way that I didn’t imagine I could with an online program. I felt happy and motivated to give the best of myself, and it gave me a lot of new tools and knowledge for my professional life. I really recommend this type of program, it will give you a lot of advantages for your future.
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