25 Aug Amazing introduction to Men’s Fitness
I write this blog from my new favourite coffee shop, the Department of Coffee and Social Affairs… what a name. Sometimes I wish that they had a shorter name so that it wouldn’t leave so much room for error when telling my friends to meet me there.
I’m not sure if I wrote too much about my friends but it’s been really nice meeting so many different, vibrant people at work and through the internship. I have two friends who regularly meet up with me to marathon Korean Dramas. I think that’s been quite nice for me since my weekly schedule is so hectic, its nice to just wind down after my day and hang out in my room. I wake up regularly at 5:05AM, make breakfast and then get to the gym for 5:45 and hope that someone will let me in so I can start my warmup earlier. I’m out of the gym at around 7:15 and begin prepping meals for my day, showering, etc, and am out the door by 8:30. It’s a pretty intense morning but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Working out is something I’ve really bonded to and I don’t feel exactly normal without it. It’s why I’d love to get into fitness writing and publishing. I’d love to be able to output information that is useful to readers, enlightening them with things they haven’t really considered before. A couple of my friends here have talked to me about things that way and I find they are constantly surprised by what I have to say… They tell me that I am their role model and trainer. It’s a really sweet sentiment and it makes me really happy to know that I am helping them out that way.
This weekend may have put me one step closer to my fitness writing goals. One of the trainers at my gym introduced me to two journalists from Men’s Fitness, a magazine published by Dennis. I got on pretty well with them (albeit I was a little nervous while talking to them) and that lead to some very valuable introductions when I went to a work party on Friday. It was really cool; all of Dennis Publishing was there, and it was held in the Moat of the Tower of London… it was definitely the most extravagant party I’ve ever been to. Thanks to those journalists, I got introduced to the editor at Men’s Fitness and he even agreed to look over an article for me, which I thought was very generous of him; I made sure to show my appreciation when I sent the article to him on Saturday.
I have also been interviewing for entry-level advertising positions for the year. I would love to get more experience copywriting and copy-editing. I think that this would be one of the best ways to do that. I would probably return to school after my year of work and finish my degree. That’s what seems most palatable to me, I think.
I am ready to jump head first into professional life!
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