24 Dec Exploring a new city is just a huge perk
This is my first trip to China, and I can only expect what my friends have told me and what I’ve found out about it. The topic that constantly comes up from everyone I talk to is food, that the food in Shanghai is amazing – this should work out brilliantly considering that I love food, specifically anything spicy and Asian. Straight after that is the topic of language – no one speaks English in Shanghai (so I’ve been told), and since I don’t speak any Chinese there will be interesting times ahead. It is a difficult situation to be in, when people don’t speak the same language as me – I’ve been in this situation before and it’s very difficult. However, many people just want to help and are very kind about it. Shanghai is a fairly international city and I’m sure there will always be someone to help out!
I am very excited to be doing an internship. I applied in the first place because I really want some perspective and experience of architecture in the real world. At this point in uni, I want some experience beyond the classroom and an internship is the perfect way to do this. Of course I’m nervous about going into a working environment with no professional experience and limited student knowledge, and I just hope that I can keep up with everything that goes on!
For me what looks to be the best part about this entire trip is meeting people – meeting people in the architecture profession, and also others doing the program. I love meeting people on these types of trips (where I volunteer overseas or participate in a program away from home) because there are so many interesting stories and people out there, and in situations like this one, where we will share a common experience, it is exciting to get to know people completely from scratch. This and the architectural experience is probably what I am looking forward to the most. Exploring a completely new city is just a (huge) perk.
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