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Come at me Hong Kong!

internship in hong kong

Come at me Hong Kong!

Instead of doing an internship in Sydney like many of my other friends who are studying business, I was determined to take a different path and applied for a scholarship with Absolute Internship. Rather than swimming in a small pool, I guess I decided to challenge myself and swim in the Pacific Ocean by applying to undertake an international Finance Internship in Hong Kong. This experience will probably be the one.

My name is Carolyn Lim and I am a currently studying a B.Commerce/B.Arts double degree majoring in Accounting, International Business, Korean Studies and Chinese Studies at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia with an expected graduation date in July 2015. I also recently completed one year of schooling as an exchange student in Seoul National University, South Korea.hong kong internship

Right now, I’m not too sure what to expect or how to actually start preparing for this journey ahead. I am nervous yet extremely excited by the thrill of living in a new environment and being provided the chance to contribute and appropriately apply all the cross-cultural skills and abilities that I have learnt and accumulated from my previous overseas experiences to the company I am assigned to. One of the main reasons why I chose to attempt an internship overseas was because I desire to face difficulties and challenges outside of my comfort zone. I want to learn more about myself and see how many meters I can potentially jump without falling down.

As I read through blogs of other interns from previous years, I am trying to imagine what my month of internship will actually be like in a country that possesses a perfect amalgamation of both Eastern and Western culture. I have heard that Hong Kong is quite dirty and people may be ruder compared to the other developed Asian countries, but whatever right? Every country is bound to have its pros and cons and all I have to do is focus more on the pros so that the cons don’t disturb my peace of mind. I am so grateful to Absolute Internship for all the support they will be giving me throughout my month in Hong Kong and am looking forward to all the dinners and activities that have been planned. Moreover I am eager to meet new people and make new friends as well!

All in all, I think I should try and maintain a positive and helpful can-do attitude throughout the whole internship period, always doing my personal best in what I am assigned to do and definitely learning from any errors I may make. I have to remind myself that I am still young and inexperienced so it’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. This may be easier said than done but because I have come this far, I believe it would be regretful to not make the most of my situation so I don’t regret in the future. This is my moment and I have to make sure I take full control of it! Come at me Hong Kong!!


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