21 Dec 4 Best Resilience Initiatives of 2020 From Our Students
A Recap of the Most Inspiring Ideas and Projects From Students Worldwide
At Absolute, we like to reflect on our highlights of the year and takeaways. If we all had to decide on just one, we would choose that we learnt how equally vulnerable ALL OF US are against global adversities.
But together, we’re also stronger. And it’s not a cliché – we can prove it.
We gathered some of our favorite resilience initiatives that our interns sent our way. 4 ideas that clearly show a ton of resilience throughout a tough year.
Juan from Southern Methodist University in Texas shared with us how he encouraged student diversity across his campus:
“My university lacks diversity in the student body. As a first-generation hispanic college student I felt the best way to give back to my school this year was to encourage students that have minority backgrounds to become proactive members of our institution. I became a part of nine different clubs and organizations. and earned a leadership role in the University Conduct Board.
[…] I am now currently trying to recruit as many diverse students as possible to clubs on campus, specifically targeting incoming freshmen, since they have been impacted heavily by Covid.”
Absolute intern at the workplace in Singapore
Nicholas from University of Nevada focused on his mental wellbeing and this is how he managed to boost it:
“Through the Covid 19 pandemic,I was able to perform exceptionally well in my classes and manage my courses in a fashion that I could work and volunteer as well as advance beyond the typical graduation class of 2023 and am scheduled to
graduate a year early.[…] Scheduling times when I go to class, study, relax, work and even take lunch breaks allowed me to maximize my time so that I can perform as well as if the pandemic did not occur. The key to performing successfully is not only time management but also allowing myself to relax and take care of my mental wellbeing.
Foreseeing the possible added difficulties is what helped me successfully deal with my academic commitments from bad internet connection and mental stress to ill family members.”
Giving back to the community has been one of the most popular initiatives from students this year. We were very inspired to hear Madeleine’s story from University of Pretoria (South Africa):
“With the COVID-19 pandemic I witnessed a lot of distress, hunger and some left destitute in the community. I decided to take the initiative of collaborating with our local church to provide shelter as well as a three-meal- a day plan to assist those who could not afford to take care of themselves due to the pandemic. A spare evening or weekend going out and volunteering with local projects and schemes has been hugely rewarding.
Local councils have lists of activities that need extra hands, whether repainting a playground, planting a memorial garden or spending time at the local nursing home.
[…] Giving back to the community can be so much more than just a way of gaining a sense of altruistic achievement, it is a social activity and a way of having fun that has a sense of true meaning and purpose.”
Lastly, Craig from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta brought this beautiful project to live within his region:
“As a president of the newly formed Dominica Internet Society, I created a team of Internet Society members who along with myself wrote up a project to design and deploy a community wifi project in the Grand Fond Community. This initiative will save the community thousands of dollars and would make internet services affordable and accessible.
This is of particular benefit as most students have been required to self quarantine during the covid-19 outbreaks. The next step is trying to facilitate more of the businesses in Grand Fond operate online and be part of the digital economy.”
We hope you’re able to say goodbye to 2020 in a more positive note after learning that other students have been resilient all the way. YOU can also stay strong. Never give up on a successful international career! If you’re reading this, it’s already a great sign. We can’t wait to welcome the new year with love, health and great adventures abroad.
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