23 Aug Intern in Hong Kong: My best advices
It’s amazing the changes that can come from living in a foreign country. You develop new idiosyncrasies that you never thought you would. You adapt and conform to the way of life there. That was one of the most interesting changes that occurred during my time in Hong Kong. Having met some great friends, among the other interns, is another memory I will keep forever. I became close friends with an Irishman and an Egyptian through the Absolute Internship program, creating an interesting dynamic for new experiences in Hong Kong. These experiences are some that I will carry with me for years to come. The last few days of my time in Hong Kong consisted of spending as much time with the intern group as possible and trekking to my favorite restaurants in the city for one last meal. Hopefully, I will make my way to connect with my new friends in their home country in the future. We said our goodbyes but our friendship would continue long after we were gone.
Working during my Hong Kong internship was an extremely rewarding experience. Becoming a part of the team and feeling that your work was contributing to the improvement of the company was a highlight. My last few days at the firm were bittersweet, I had learned much from my manager and felt like an integral part of the legal team. Leaving was difficult but it also left me with a feeling of accomplishment and an energizing sensation of readiness for the future. The hands-on experience of an internship abroad is vital for any career, this internship provided this experience and more.
For future interns in Hong Kong, I recommend getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things in the city you choose. Try an exotic food, push yourself to adapt to the way of life of the city which you live, and see as much of the city as possible. You never know what you will learn from the natives and others that are in similar position as you. The culture of Hong Kong is extremely rich and provides fertile ground to explore and experience new ways of life. You will form life-long friendships with the Absolute Internship group of interns and your co-workers that will surely continue long after you venture back home. These are the important aspects that you should seek with your time abroad. I truly cherished my time in Hong Kong and will carry it with me for years to come.
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