22 Aug Exciting First Days
Do you know how it feels to go to a country where no one in your family has gone? Well I do. China is the last place I thought I would be spending the summer before my final year in college, let alone intern there. Well, it’s only been 2 weeks and I can say it was one of the best decisions I have made.
I flew from Dallas to Toronto to Shanghai. After arriving in Pudong International Airport in Shanghai with my fellow intern, we took a taxi to our apartment where we found the rest of the interns. Eating dinner with them was really nice and comforting because it allowed us to officially start our life-changing experience in Shanghai together.
In the days following, we got situated in our apartments, went grocery shopping next door, did a scavenger hunt around Shanghai and had a little orientation where we went over: Chinese culture, where our internships were and how to get there, got our metro cards, and where we also received our SIM cards.
The Sunday following our arrival we got the chance to experience and explore Shanghai through a scavenger hunt. The list consisted of: doing street karaoke, giving a “high five” to an old Chinese person, wearing a panda hat and much more. It was really fun to get acquainted with different people from within the group because, naturally, we got closer to our roommates since we saw them more often. In the end, my group of 3 actually ended up running into another scavenger hunt group and we decided to eat a late lunch at a cafeteria-style restaurant where there was and endless supply of amazing food. We got dumplings, noodles, rice, pork, beef, stinky doufu, which was part of the scavenger hunt list, and so much more. It was amazing to get such a variety of food at just one place.
Overall, my first days in Shanghai proved to be some of the most exciting days I have been a part of. From finally arriving after much anticipation to sightseeing all over the city during our scavenger hunt, I have learned that my time spent here will be worth my while. Here’s to the following 8 weeks!
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