21 Dec Immersing Myself in London’s Culture
I am excited and nervous at the same time for London being a completely new and unique experience where I really don’t know exactly what expect besides the obvious, the weather and tourist attractions. However, I am looking forward to being out of my comfort zone and learning as much as I can in London, a place I’ve always wanted to visit and work in due to its strong creative market and exciting culture!
I guess one of my biggest expectations is being challenged and pushed out of my comfort zone, as this is the first time I am travelling alone and the longest I have travelled before. But I know this is probably the best environment to push myself and grow as a person and hopefully be more independent, so I’m excited! I am definitely expecting to be tested physically too due to the cold weather! However, I hope to adapt to it quickly and immerse myself in London’s culture doing everything there I possibly can along with the trip to Paris, which I am super excited for!
I am also really looking forward to visiting the art galleries in London and seeing all the tourist attractions such as the London Eye along with the weekend activities in the program, which should be fun! I am expecting to meet so many interesting and different people than I would at home with people coming from different countries. I had a similar experience volunteering in Cambodia getting to know so many people from different countries which was amazing as their stories and experiences are always different than at home. I am expecting a tough but rewarding internship experience where the tasks I will be doing are things I have not done before, which should be interesting and scary too! I am hoping to grow a lot as a designer by learning as much as I can in London.
However, overall I am trying to expect and imagine as little as possible, because I really just want to be surprised and overwhelmed by the whole experience, because I know this will be the one of my most unique and life-changing experiences!
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